Competitive Separation in Video Advertising Explained

Competitive separation in video advertising prevents ads of the same category or advertiser from displaying in a single ad pod. An ad pod is a series of advertisements that playback one after the other in a single ad break.
Advertisers want to have complete control over the environment where consumers view their message. Controlling the playback environment is crucial because adjacent advertisements surrounding a brand's ad could impact the perception of the intended message or cause brand confusion.
Advertiser Competitive Separation
Many users have experienced a commercial break in a video streaming app that contains the same ad repeated back to back. This breakdown in user experience can cause frustration for a user and result in ad fatigue.
This phenomenon is easily preventable with some simple coordination between the parties involved in the ad transaction.
Creative 'adomain'
An "adomain" is a piece of metadata associated with a creative that identifies the advertiser. The domain in 'adomain' is typically a company website. For example, a creative may have an adomain of "," "," or ""